Yep, I'm not so good at this thing! So lets catch everyone up real quick....last summer/fall I participated in: The Bear Lake Brawl-Olympic Distance, St. George Marathon, I finished! can you believe it? I'm not sure that I can! The Las Vegas RAGNAR, so much fun, can't wait to do another RAGNAR, I didn't walk AT ALL on my three legs, another amazing feat for me! The Halloween Half, love anything that you dress up for! And the Turkey Trot, it was refreshing to only do a 5k!
Throughout all of those races there was a lot of training, a lot of playing with Zoey and hanging with Dan!
On to current things!
I signed up for the Salt Lake City Half Marathon today, I suppose I should start running again! I stopped initially to let my IT band heal, I think it's time to start hitting pavement again! I do so much better when I have a race coming up, so let the training begin!
That's all for now, I will try to keep this more updated!